Save water save mother nature

In recent months the mother nature has underdone very rough periods. All time records of floods and snow has been seen in Pakistan, Australia, Brazil and the Europe zone. We need to ask ourselves what are the signals that the mother earth sending to the world population. Sea water level is rising fast, more and more towns now are below see level. The temperature is also rising across the globe, more forest fire are recorded these day. The question is are we getting the right signal or we just don't care as if life goes on as usual.

The facts are quiet clear, the world are becoming more and more in-balance. As a result the world ecology cycle has been tempered in many ways. The tempered ecology now performing reaction of in-balance 'chemistry' resulting those catastrophic incidences. Are we here just to watch these destructions?

We, as responsible being, the one that has brain to think (compared to the other beings) need to step-in and put our bits in saving the mother nature that we need to lived in. We will continuously discuss here in this blog ways that we can contribute to save the mother nature. All of you are welcome to contributes, either through commenting on this article or send your contribution to

My very humble suggestion is to save the usage of water in our daily live by capturing rainwater and using it in our non consuming water usage as watering plants, washing car etc....
