Managing rainwater

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Millions of people depend on Puget Sound
for natural resources, transportation, and
recreation. This iconic water body defines
Western Washington, but it is also a fragile
ecosystem threatened by human activity.
Stormwater runoff has been identified as
the single biggest threat to Puget Sound –
nearly three feet of rain per year runs off
our roads, driveways, sidewalks, lawns, and
rooftops, carrying fertilizer, petroleum,
and other harmful pollutants. This
polluted runoff degrades natural habitats,
harms wildlife, and lowers water quality.
A collective effort among homeowners
can have a positive impact on the Sound’s
health and our health.
Fortunately, better options exist for
managing stormwater. A number of
manufacturers and contractors offer
products and services for building green
stormwater infrastructure. These tools
can make your house more beautiful while
improving ecological function.
