A simple rainwater harvesting for household application

Assalamualaikum and Very Good Morning everyone.

Have you ever heard about rainwater havrvesting, need to understand what it is clicks http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainwater_harvesting .

We provide simple solution locally to your good intention to harvest rainwater, for the good of the mother nature, your pockets and to contribute towrads greener world. This series explain a little about simple rainwater harvesting at your house for domestic external water usage.

You just need the followings;
1. A polytank of your choice from 50 gallons onwards
2. A poly pipe and the required fitting
3. A simple structure to support the filled polytank, according to your selected size
4. A discharge fitting of your choice, host, spray or nozzle.

That's it. you can do it yourself if you are 'handyman' or just let us know, greenghaz@gmail.com , we will get it done for you at very reasonable rate. You can save upto 30% of your water bills.

Do it for ourselve, our kids, the future of the world, small investment that has very great impacts.

Yours trully

